Miscellaneous sidebar headers drawn as part of an overall redesign of PRI's tumblr.
Hand-drawn logotype for David Enos's "Peter Magazine," a fake men's magazine inspired by smut from the 1960s and 1970s.
Sidebar headers for Mission Mission, all based on signage around the Mission District of San Francisco.
Special Foursquare badges earned by unlocking achievements in Buster Benson's Health Month, as well as in-game artwork for the same.
Vector-art portraits of everyone at the offices of Disrupto, rendered for their website.
Cover and back cover artwork for a short story collection by Jen Gann, published by Magic Helicopter Press.
Vector-based artwork for a Facebook-based game.
Click through for a map of the whole shebang.
Icons for a group-buying site,
drawn in vectors, for web and print.
Logos and logotypes completed during late 2009, early 2010.
a. Logo for Feedback Loupe, a photo sharing and feedback site from the creators of PhotoJojo.
b. Logo for Sleepover, San Francisco, a web design firm of which I am proud to be a part.
c. Logotype for Mission Mission, a San FranciscoÐbased local-happenings blog. Editor was looking for a slightly softened take on a tabloid style.
Accomplishment badges for a Facebook-based writing site. Turkey is the lowest level of accomplishment, phoenix the highest.
Single-color line art for this non-profit organization’s membership guide.
An attempt to diagram what I do and do not like about my shoes. Read the whole thing here.
This style, I will admit, is influenced by Shel Silverstein.
A study in drawing a single scene in two different styles.
In this case, in pen-and-ink (on the left) with color added in Photoshop,
and in pixel art (on the left).
Vector-art covers for Stanford University Press
A few different t-shirt designs celebrating San Francisco’s beleaguered Muni system.
Custom type, drawn in vectors.